Apex aim assist too strong ps5 reddit

Apex aim assist too strong ps5 reddit. The controller is very limited in terms of function. Nerf aim assist too much, and suddenly roller players will become the endangered species as it becomes impossible for them to compete with MnK players. Aim asist on projectile based weapons actually actively works against you and is a terrible thing. The elite on either input aren’t representative of the entire base. I'm a Day 1 player, and aim assist has always been strong, until recently. 4aa. The new video setting option adjusts graphical settings that can target up to 120fps gameplay. Even pro controller players say "you dont even have to aim anymore" with the current strength of AA. Changes to aim assist can't come fast enough. Open up the Settings menu. Exactly this. r/FortNiteBR. ADMIN. I play on PS5 with my friend on PC. Now comes the problem. 99. On console, we are gifted aim assist due to controller over KBM. Fr tho this looks like it would be ass to use but i can already hear the mnk players crying when they see this. I assume this is for when console players take part in tournaments (they mentioned this news last season) with pc players, so in the private matches the aim assist automatically goes to the pc level aim assist. As the title says, I'm sick and tired of dying to controllers lasering me with SMGs and pseudo-triggerbotting me with The biggest skill gap on console is your aim, but with aim assist, the skill gap isn't that impressive. . I know for sure that I had few matches with normal aim assist, and sometimes it just didn't work even though the match, it just didn't stick, even close close range. Get app Log InLog in to Reddit. The developer supported, community run subreddit dedicated to the Fortnite: Battle Royale game mode by Epic Games. so I used all same controller settings on PC,PS5,XBOX. Join the Apex Community Hub discord to join in on the discussions! It is literally impossible for a PC player to react as fast as rotational aim assist does. But the difference was so profound I stopped playing on ps5 and abandoned my account and sold my ps5. Aim assist exists to bridge the gap between the precision of a mouse and keyboard vs a controller. xbox would be 2nd and ps5 sadly This is how aim assist works. aiming seems much easier on PC than console. First you have to be in a game to turn on the option and cannot be done at the regular menu. ok so I saw a post on here that Aim Assist is stronger on PC and works much better than it does on consoles. We don't want you in our lobbies either. Scroll all the way down until you see “ Advanced Look Controls “. aim assist on controller players. There will literally be no stickiness at all. @FinalFantasyVII Rebirth joins us in the Outlands starting January 9". U can easily tell when the bug is there from the ship when ur flying. One of the last lines There is no aim assist for me on PS5. Visit /r/ApexLegends for game-related discussion, clips, and more. Call of Duty: Warzone is a first-person shooter video game series developed by Infinity Ward and Raven Software, and published by Activision. r/apexlegends. I have no aim assist on xbox series S right now. If someone near me was to the right of me and was moving right, if I tried to ADS and shoot them my aim was so slow that my reticule couldn't catch up to them because the aim assist kicks in slightly before you are actually aiming at the enemy. You just wanna complain because "muh console aim assist". and then it was all yours for free again and the people who sell them just copy the free ones. Sounds like your game doesn’t register anything with 3%. The issue with aim assist seems to be (on ps5 at least) that the slowdown box is too big and too strong. 4 aim assist you should be able to play in PC lobbies if you choose to. May 1, 2021 · Follow these steps to turn off aim assist in advanced controls: Open the game’s “Settings” menu. With many other aspects in game non-directly related to aim assist that heavily favour controller player but barely get fixed, (aim punch, visual clutter Aim assist is not auto aim. Seeing PC Fortnite streamers looking at Flick Stick gyro aim on Playstation and calling it OP shows to me how much this technology can do to close the gap between mouse and controller aiming Some people in the community turn the aim assist down to make things fair for everyone. twitter. Hello everyone i have tested aim assist a lot in the practice range and I come to the conclusion that they implemented the wrong type of aim assist, like if my crossair is slightly of target and I press L2 to aim down it will snap into target like GTA but other than that there is no "tracking" aim assist like The user has played Apex Legends on PS4 and PS5. Hi, in this video, I tested PS5 VS PC Controller Aim Assist with the same cable, the same monitor, 120FPS, 120Hz refresh rate, VRR enabled, both in a stable situation (Shooting range) and a few match tests. Memes only. However, on next gen consoles, the fps are 120, but the aim assist is still much stronger, so they get the best of both worlds. However, over time, the user noticed that aiming felt "stickier" on the PS4, particularly during mid/long range fights. As long as you’re playing on 0. Console. There is a reason the overwhelming majority of Twitch streamers and professional players, play on PC. But it's been so many years without any change. Console aim assist is 0. But id say they nerfed AA on pc to much. ago. Turning off crossplay wont save you from kbm players in this game. All these controller players are whining that aim assist isn't strong enough so they can't get any kills. Unplayable. Aim assist is just too strong right now, which is fair and I understand it. PS5 Aim assist does not work whatsoever. As stated above, the aim assist on consoles borders on cheating, it will track opponents through bushes and for absurd distances. i dont think aim assist is "aim bot" but i think its way too strong. 1. The black ops aim assist is op if you use it right I've played with precision for too long though so i die more with it there's a video someone done on how strong the pull from the black ops rotational aim assist is you hardly need to touch the stick and it will track the enemy more than it should but mainly aim assist is fine, its just all pc players can use against us console players now This. Your ability to control recoil and track moving targets will shine more. Controller needs AA. ApexSilverBot. Idk if it actually is adjusting your aim frame by frame or if it just appears to be smoother, but aa on pc is insanely strong either way. A bunch of people sometimes get very upset any time anyone talks about how console controller has a lot of aim assist, and Apex Legends memes so funny, even MRVN's laugh. If aim assist gets too strong, you have to recognize that it eventually reaches a point where it's unfair. Don't mind him, i have the solution for him. Gyro Aim literally when? [PS4/PS5] Feedback. And Apex heavily relies on movement and having solid movement on console is extremely hard because of the limitations. Firing Range, Mixtape, AND Battle Royale. PC had a strong preference for SMGs as a play style dominated by movement mechanics to roam the map made close range aggressive weapons that only needed good tracking aim dominate the game, on console it was about claiming rooftop control and picking people off with assault rifles because aim assist made beaming a moving enemy trivial so the Aim assist is bugged in firing range. The aim assist for me on PS5 is like non existent but I also think it's because I don't play fast and like to time my shots which with the aim assist makes it harder. Nerf aim assist just right, and suddenly roller players It showed how to adjust a couple settings to receive aim assist on console that approaches cheating level strong. Aim assist is just too strong. Scroll all the way down. Seems like you also use one. Dualsense can be OC’ed to 8GHz and with that setting it has just 0. Games today are made so that the most casual bot can hit things without even trying, I agree that the old aim assist was fine, but what we have today is a completely different beast. Most games didn't have aim assist rotation, only slowdown. Controller Settings: Brief Guide For New Players. This "unnecessary" advantage doesn't apply to A) anything other than close range, and B) non-pro players. Head over to the “ Controller ” tab. Set to be introduced in Apex Season 20: Breakout, the Performance Mode will enable 120Hz output on current-gen consoles, such as PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. Ps5 console player here and aim assist is not that good. 6 on console is out of control. u can kill them and sometimes they have aa again. Those games actually required micro adjustment of the analog stick and the aim assist those games had would actually be fair and balanced vs mouse users. A good friend of mine who plays on ps5 as well just told me to turn it off and my gameplay improved vastly. Log In / Sign Up. Aim assist has been present in every console shooter Fuck aim assist I just want to make quick flicks, quick turns, 120 fps, fast armor swaps and more buttons because the PS5 controller simply does not have enough of them for this game. P. [deleted] ADMIN MOD. Turn Melee Target Compensation Off. They mentioned faster queues so I assume 120fps console players will be mixed in to the PC lobbies outside of mixtapes now. If you notice in the video he was aiming at the farthest bot and as he moved the the left the bots got closer so basically he wasn’t locking onto the same bot the entire time, as he Apex Legends Battle royale game First-person shooter Gaming Shooter game. I know this is going to get down voted to fucking Rotational aim assist is meant to compensate for you when you’re strafing so it only works when you’re “moving” or have input on your left stick. Once its on the body I can feel the grab, but I'm normally dead before this happens. Shop Collectible Avatars. If you believe that "aim assist hurts me because it pulls onto unintended targets" then you should be in favor of lowering the aim assist, which you can do yourself by using the PC aim assist setting. Scroll down and click Advanced Look Controls Find Target Compensation and toggle it to Off. I also find sometimes it can be too sticky and it will stick to someone behind the enemy I’m actually try to shoot at and drag my aim in a way I don I'm on PS5 and the beginning of the season was just wild, even I was getting destroyed. Yet it’s all within the limits that epic had on their adjustments in game. I mean I've started apex in s16 and only watch a few competitions from before, there were plenty of pro players that use controllers. There's no MnK aim assist. Also yes PC movement is stupid levels better. Aim Assist on console is way too strong. If you go on the apex subreddit, which is mostly just casual controller player circlejerk, they will all scream that pc has advantages over controller. It's very easy to tell too just based on this game. Imagine being one of 20 controller players in the world who can still do what they do now, against all MnK players. I just finished a game session on Apesex Legends for Nintendo Switch where I used almost exclusively gyro to aim. There is not even competitive cross play, blizzard is disabling aim assist for controllers in non competitive modes. Recoil control felt intense, winning and losing gunfights felt entirely in my control rather than because aim assist was too sticky or not sticky As for look controls you want the lowest possible deadzone that doesn’t give you stick drift and use custom look controls. For now, even the competitive PC players are using controllers. Aim assist works almost feels like a magnet pushing my aim away from the target, absolutely ruining my tracking. The user has been switching back and forth between the two consoles to try and determine the cause of There's a reason why the majority of top players on warzone, halo infinite and apex use controller, because the aim assist is so strong. But the AA gets really noticeable if you hold against a wall so you have input but you character isn’t moving. Got 2042 on PS5 via PS Plus and thought I'd give it a go. If anyone on pc says controller aim assist is op, there chattin crap. Compound that with also getting aim assist with KBM, and it’s beyond argument. Most likely 1440p or 4K. As we’ll surely have some new players joining I wanted to take the opportunity to quickly go over some of the aim settings OW has to offer and what their I think the new halo has aim assist on mnk, but you'd genuinely be holding your own potential back if aim assist exists on mnk. I cant really say for pc apex as I havent played much past a couple of matches. ill give my take on this as a MnK player who played console until about 2 years ago (never played apex on console or controller, just played console generally). TheDutchShepherd- • 1 yr. Use the HighWater script. Huge disadvantage against other console and PC players. Senior_Catch282 • 10 mo. He was searching things up, after multiple instances that felt like people were using aim bots. 2m/s of input delay. Since the launch of Season 17, I can barely even tell the difference between Default AA and turning AA off completely. Pitch a quarter full. Time to practice and get good instead of being carried by software. Also, as the guy said below me, even pros use scripts on both PC and console to control recoil so I have a strong feeling you also use one. If you play MnK on PC and complain about controller aim assist then you suck at apex. Insecure controller players all over the place defending this. Sniping is pretty difficult. 4 to 0. r/apexuniversity. : r/blackopscoldwar. 396 upvotes · 140 comments. I dont like it too much on console, but when i cross play into pc lobbies, it seems alot better. In the patch notes under private match updates it says aim assist override will be on by default. It always felt like people would have laser focus on our r/FortNiteBR. Aim Assist IS too strong. I think it was unintentional. The resolution is horrible on the PS5. I beat console players all the time without it and when I plugged in a controller to test it I didnt suddenly get free kills with it lol it tracks a bit but doesn't eliminate recoil so its whatever. Aim assist is smoother the more frames you get. Game Devs said controller is statistically better than m&k except for 'very high skilled' m&k players. Tries to ridicule people claiming aim assist is too strong -> proceeds to actually show that: Overaimed hard by good 2-3 meters several times - the more inaccurate input you do the less aim assist you get When aim assist didn't engage or barely engaged you were moving backwards and slightly to the left and right. Go to the Settings menu. But i have played overwatch on pc versus console, And an an Apex Console player. It's easy to tell when aim assist isn't working properly. We can't change our keybinds, we can't tapstrafe, we don't have the same movement abilities as a Mnk player. r/CODWarzone is a developer-recognized community focused on the series. Aiming with your entire arm and being able to hotkey anything has distinct advantages. A mouse can make micro adjustments and aim with more precision while also still being able to turn any direction at the drop of I play on a M&K on my ps5 and i gotta say, its easier. Get the Reddit app. It's such a powerful but until recently overlooked feature on the PS4 and PS5 controller that can genuinely transform the way games are being played. Tested this out because I felt like aim assist was so strong that it was preventing me from shooting people. Try testing it with 0% or something idk but it’s simply a fact that this is what aim assist does when the game registers any amount of input on the sticks. MembersOnline. The user initially preferred playing on the PS5 due to the stable 60fps. Solid bamboozle Respawn. Ensure “ Custom Look Controls Community run, developer supported subreddit dedicated to Apex Legends by Respawn Entertainment. Go into the “Controller” tab on the top. 2. No console aim assist in PC lobbies makes no sense. On my old PC I didn’t have much better performance then my PS5. But I had a shitty GPU. Im someone who spend 5000hours in CSGO and around 2000 in Valorant playing on high rank, Installed XDefiant yesterday and legit can feel that im getting killed by controller players aiming with their little thumbs this game is good I enjoy it but aim assist is fucking overpowered just took me 1min to go on a twitch and watch top streamers playing on controller track people from 30meters away Cronus Zen (Apex Legends) can anyone tell me a few things about cronus zen (apex legends). 9. PC players already think aim assist is cheating. The aim assist while aiming at other squads flying will be so sticky and even pull ur crosshair toward them violently. probably because the majority of console/controller players can’t perform that well without AA. I never killed someone thinking that my gun aimed for me. I think it’d be a great idea if you want to challenge yourself and play in tougher lobbies. The two are simply too different; It's impossible to balance them perfectly. WQLFY. To do this however I need to spend a lot of time really breaking down the topic so please be patient. ” But most importantly: Aim assist is just too strong. I’m okay with that if everyone else in the lobby don’t have aim assist either, but if I’m the only one then it puts you at decent disadvantage. I'm only guessing that they don't want them to "leave the game" or just afraid they (pros) might leave if there are any changes to aim assist, even if it's a slight change. Full Detailed Breakdown of Rotational Aim Assist. There's no long range aim assist then there is too much close range aim assist, that should change (and add 1 button reset for all). Your reticle will then follow the enemy with pretty strong aim assist and move with the enemy making shots accurate. It feels basically the same. If you're truly a good player on console, you'd want them to nerf aim assist, let the skill gap widen a little more. None, whatsoever. Aim assist does feel a bit too strong in this game but its not an aim bot. Yes we get aim assist, but you get 3rd party aim Controller Aim Assist. Go to the Controller tab. 4 feels non existent! I've actually opted to switch to keyboard and mouse, because even without aim assist, it's a million times easier to aim accurately and quickly, as well as track the enemy while firing. Apex in general plays like shit on the PS5. For response curve just leave it at what the game chooses. So, if you’re in that category maybe it makes sense? I’m legit surprised though, no pro (especially those who play claw) have given Dualsense a go by having it OC’ed to the max. FollowingGullible145. Much respect I couldn't see myself playing consistently with no aim assist. U always need an input for AA like walking or aiming (stick drift) AA on console ist stronger then ob pc. ADS Pitch +1 after the line. I currently own both systems so PS5 has a ways to go to optimize Apex. Certain advanced look settings make aim assist WAY stronger than it should be. Was banned and had posts removed. The pool of roller players is so large now and with aim assist what it is teams have a lot of options who they can pick up. so aim assist is indeed stronger on PC, I would say PS5 Is the weakest. If the aim assist in games wasn't insanely strong the past few years, they would know how to use the stick to aim and get kills with slightly less strong aim assist. There is no reason for blizzard to disable aim assist for controller players on console when they are already at a significant disadvantage against pc players. it makes certain weapons such as the prowler absolutely broken to the point where not even the best aimers in the Aim-Assist is FAR too strong. Aim Assist is crazy (watch the full clip 😂) I was dumb, twice I too was bamboozled twice. Honestly, idk what ppl talk about. But now it sticks like a glue to a person close-mid range. The aim assist also forces your aim into certain spots on your target, which aren’t usually one shot kills, but if you try to move it because it will move the reticle around Whereas, on pc, you can have much higher fps. s. Practice the settings you’ll play on. The aim assist is literally carrying 90% of you potato players who would never be able to track shots and control recoil the way aim assist is letting you. This subreddit is ran by dedicated fans of the series and has no affiliation with EA or DICE. I aim assist is strong. Aim Assist ease in***: 100 ( Allows a player to aim within an aim assist window, you need the smoothest transition or aa will be inconsistent) Aim Smoothing*: 99 (At 100 your turning speed and reaction time is way too slow; The increased accuracy and comfort in aiming isn't worth being so slow and becomes a disadvantage) I suggest 98-100, lower To quote the designer behind Apex’s aim assist, Rayme Vinson, “Conceptually; aim assist sits at the input layer, above balance design. That's probably why the aim assist is going to be lowered. •. Edit: go watch my video I just uploaded to the subreddit. Which of course it does, pc is objectively better than controller for aiming. ADMIN MOD. Have a team of average Joes turn off aim assist, and it’ll be hours before they log 8+ kills in a game. Any pc player complaining about aim assist is a joke. You need input registering on either of the joysticks for this to work. But I am on console where everyone (seemingly) has aim assist except for me. The main reasons why controllers have aim assist is because they can't get the snap on precision of a mouse, so taking that disadvantage and applying it to the mouse which doesn't have that disadvantage in the first People who enables 120fps should be forced to crossplay with pc players with 0. At close range the team is god-like. The aim assist gets you through walls, and can get you even though the enemy can't see you (cartel mid im talking about you), this is ridiculous its impossible to play against console players in a fair game because they have an aimbot doing the work for them. Nerf aim assist too little and roller will still be superior. It's the shots that don't register that makes me crazy. It doesn’t work like that. Feb 12, 2024 · Aim Assist Value Adjusted to Accommodate for Differences in Tick Rate. Click that and you’ll have the option to change the level of aim assist you Aim assist correctly doesn't give u aim assist on opponents within point blank range to a certain distance, this is not what is causing the issue before someone suggests. In part 2 (Which I only upload to Reddit) I'll show you a few tips on how it keeps following in 120fps (a longer time than PC) but let's If you want to argue, tell respawn to get rid of aim assist on strictly controller players, not xbox/playstation players. At mid-range we trade tags. My rig easily exceeds 60fps on high settings and the aim assist at . Just as the title implies, I wanted to make a post that is good faith and fully explores the topic of aim assist within Apex as both a competitive and casual game. Aim assist is for accessibility. I didn't find any free scripts when I got it new, so I thought you have to buy a good script. And also I noticed the vast majority or all of the others players are playing on PC/ MNK in this lobbies. When pros whine about aim assist, it's because the people at the absolute top of the game (other pros) have a close range advantage that arguably they don't need. Controllers are way too strong right now DISCUSSION. I don’t have a monster rig (3070ti, i7, 64g RAM) but when I played on high frames AA was very strong. Scan this QR code to download the app now. I thought “oh someone with stick drift worse than me”. The amount of brain dead takes in this thread is mind numbing. Trust me buddy, if it were up to us console players all you'd be playing against is other PC players and cheaters/hackers. It started at the beginning of season 17 and I noticed it immediately. They either don’t adjust their settings or they’re so bad aim assist can’t help. I'm a KBM guy and really don't care to invest in a controller to learn at this point so I'll take long range beams and get close fights close range. It is so hard to kill enemies because I am already at the top of SBMM and combining no audio with no aim Subreddit for all things Overwatch™, Overwatch 2™ and the Overwatch™ Universe, the team-based shooter from Blizzard Entertainment. Open menu Open navigationGo to Reddit Home. My group has noticed this, the aim locks on to your chest and just sticks there. 4 on PC is bad but the . r/CODWarzone. 3. SPOILER. When I doing my warming up routine on shooting range/ team deathmatch alone (console lobbies), my aim assist feels more strong than playing with him. the barrel stabiliser on the longbow does nothing at all for its recoil pattern, wtf is the point of it, still kicks like a mule and throws ur aim off target whereas a Sorry but this isn’t true. Did they fixed aim assist bug on ps5 or am I buggin? Discussion. Aim assist is strong on this game compared to others but they’d have to bump it up even higher to get the time to kill and consistency the same as MnK players. Once you’re in a game and safely on the ground press start and go to options menu. Devs have said: "Overall, we still see that mouse and keyboard players are overall getting more kills and wins, but the experience on gamepad has improved significantly compared to how it was previously. My aim assist is actually working I can feel a slow down (though not very strong) and I'm able to put shots on target and it feels no more powerful than vanguard or mw19. I have played with and without aim assist and yeah I do better with it on, but I accredit that mostly to the sensitivity slowdown when you aim over an enemy, since it allows me to have a higher sens for better movement while retaining some accuracy. We will continue to keep a close eye on the telemetry data around this and the feedback from our players Most games on PC still give you aim assist if you use controller. However while your reticle is locked onto a enemy the aim assist appears to kick in. If they turn off AA they should cap FPS for all players. Expand user menu Open settings menu. I'm typically a PC player but don't have access to it atm. Devs from APEX repetitvely said that nerfing or adjusting aim assist is very difficult rather than simply tuning the number like 0. Disabling crossplay isn't going to work either. I used to play ps5 and PC. We Need To Have A Sincere Discussion on Aim Assist. Aim Assist Slowdown Box. So my question, am I just crazy, or people who had the Consoles are 60 fps while average PCs should get at least 120 fps. During these games I feel like my hit reg is strong too, like my shots are actually landing and I'm killing just as fast as those times where I'm left saying "wtf" from across Nov 23, 2021 · Launch Apex Legends. I feel like my scope is always stopping just short of the body, and then I have to fight the game to get it onto the body. Your stock would shoot way up and you would be making big money. Happens all the time -- at long range I am hitting tons of tags and an opposing team is hitting almost nothing. What have you brought upon us. And, yes, it's easy for us to accidentally make it ‘too good,’ and where that line is can be up for debate. with nothing working. Please don’t. I know, I know, aim assist is overpowered. Using it as a difficulty lever is bad. Reply reply. It's as simple as that. Yeah balancing is the big issue. Discussion. I thought I would check this out. But the default and black ops aim assist have it for sure. 6. Nobody's opinion is fact. Navigate to controls and within the keybinding options there is a button called git gud. "Limits are made to be broken. Precision aim assist basically disabled that rotational aim assist, same thing with focus a bit too. It feels sticky then. I'm on Xbox Series X. Any really good console players I know usually has it turned off. • 2 yr. Or check it out in the app stores. It’s a good trick to not miss shots in stair wells. just like most PC players aren’t cracked out at mnk. COD was always a console game and it's also a game where new players are endorsed and helped a lot. Yes, controller on PC has significantly weaker aim assist and significantly more recoil controller on console. Ngl this looks like it would be awful to use except on snipers, that slowdown must fuck you up so bad in close quarters. Aim assist needs a nerf and this is coming from a controller player since cod 4. Go to CODWarzone. If you use a 3rd Party device to get keyboard and mouse to work, you’ll still get that aim assist gift. ADD Yaw +3 after the line. The resolution on the Xbox series x is noticeably better. ljday27. Most of this sub is in denial about aim assist though, so you don't tend to get anywhere talking about it. It was freaking fantastic. It’s free, and is really good. Tried messing with all the settings multiple times, spent a shit ton of time on the range practicing with new controller, etc. You say it lessens the skill necessary and yes, that's technically true but the level of skill you can achieve with a mouse is infinitely higher than what you can reach with an analog stick. Just remember there's PC aim assist too if you use ALC's because I've done this a few times for fun or just generally if I feel like the other team is being annoyed by me, its a bit more free - just incase console AA doesn't feel good after that. Battlefield 2042 is developed by DICE and produced by EA. Especially with 120FPS PS5 Version coming out, I wouldn’t mind this at all. It’s at 1080p which is exactly what the PS4 displays. Even controller + pc players have more movement options than us. You can take your thumbs off the stick and the reticle will somewhat stay locked onto the enemy. It kept moving my aim to the wrong opponent if there were grouped up and would correct too much for head shots. Mine runs 160fps. dh bq vz vc gt xf co sw wf jh